Garrett Rock: Benvenuto Cellini's "Perseus with the Head of Medusa"
Garrett Rock: Piazza del Signore, Florence
Garrett Rock: Il Duomo, Florence
Garrett Rock: Il Duomo, Florence
Garrett Rock: Florence
Garrett Rock: Rooftop view of Il Duomo
Garrett Rock: Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus
Garrett Rock: Florence from Piazzale Michelangelo
Garrett Rock: Piazza Santa Croce, Florence
Garrett Rock: Santa Croce
Garrett Rock: Santa Croce
Garrett Rock: Virgin Mary
Garrett Rock: Candles, Santa Croce
Garrett Rock: Santa Croce, Florence
Garrett Rock: Florence
Garrett Rock: Il Duomo, Florence
Garrett Rock: Florence, Arno River
Garrett Rock: Florence, Arno River Valley
Garrett Rock: Galileo Galilei's Tomb
Garrett Rock: Michelangelo's Tomb