Garrett Lau: Red-tailed Hawk
Garrett Lau: Willet
Garrett Lau: Mallard duckling
Garrett Lau: Mallard hen with ducklings
Garrett Lau: Great Egret
Garrett Lau: Forster's Tern with fish
Garrett Lau: Wilson's Phalarope
Garrett Lau: Hairy Woodpecker juvenile being fed by adult male
Garrett Lau: Loggerhead Shrike, juvenile
Garrett Lau: Black Phoebe fledgling being fed
Garrett Lau: Horned Grebe
Garrett Lau: Least Tern
Garrett Lau: Eared Grebes feeding baby
Garrett Lau: Eared Grebes feeding baby
Garrett Lau: Elegant Tern
Garrett Lau: Eared Grebes with baby on back
Garrett Lau: Eared Grebes with baby on back
Garrett Lau: Western Screech-Owl
Garrett Lau: American Robin with earthworm
Garrett Lau: Bewick's Wren with insect
Garrett Lau: Common Mergansers
Garrett Lau: Young Bullock's Oriole
Garrett Lau: California Thrasher
Garrett Lau: Semipalmated Plover
Garrett Lau: Least Sandpiper
Garrett Lau: Little Stint (photo 9464)
Garrett Lau: Little Stint (photo 9471)
Garrett Lau: Little Stint (photo 9472)
Garrett Lau: Little Stint (photo 9479)
Garrett Lau: Little Stint (photo 9480)