Garrett Lau: Bullock's Oriole
Garrett Lau: Rufous Hummingbird
Garrett Lau: Rufous Hummingbird
Garrett Lau: Female Selaphorus Hummingbird
Garrett Lau: Bullock's Orioles
Garrett Lau: Tree Swallows mating
Garrett Lau: Black-crowned Night Heron
Garrett Lau: Red-shouldered Hawk
Garrett Lau: Eurasian Collared-Dove
Garrett Lau: Belted Kingfisher
Garrett Lau: Eared Grebe
Garrett Lau: Dowitcher
Garrett Lau: Bald Eagle
Garrett Lau: Juvenile Peregrine Falcon
Garrett Lau: Cliff Swallow
Garrett Lau: Canada Goose with goslings
Garrett Lau: American White Pelican
Garrett Lau: House Wren
Garrett Lau: Great Horned Owl
Garrett Lau: Lazuli Bunting
Garrett Lau: California Scrub-Jay
Garrett Lau: Downy Woodpecker
Garrett Lau: Solitary Sandpiper
Garrett Lau: Solitary Sandpiper in front of turtle
Garrett Lau: Solitary Sandpiper
Garrett Lau: Solitary Sandpiper
Garrett Lau: Ash-throated Flycatcher
Garrett Lau: Western Kingbird
Garrett Lau: Killdeer