Garrett Lau:
Garrett Lau:
Steller's Jay
Garrett Lau:
Western Bluebird with insect
Garrett Lau:
Female Brown-headed Cowbird with insect
Garrett Lau:
Canada Goose with goslings
Garrett Lau:
Canada Goose gosling
Garrett Lau:
Bald Eagle carrying gull carcass
Garrett Lau:
Crow chasing Bald Eagle carrying gull carcass
Garrett Lau:
Bald Eagle feeding gull to eaglet
Garrett Lau:
Bald Eagle feeding gull to eaglet
Garrett Lau:
Bald Eagles feeding duckling to eaglet
Garrett Lau:
Bald Eagle, adult female landing above nest
Garrett Lau:
Eaglet flapping wings
Garrett Lau:
Common Loon
Garrett Lau:
Lewis's Woodpecker
Garrett Lau:
Lewis's Woodpecker
Garrett Lau:
Lewis's Woodpecker
Garrett Lau:
Bell's Sparrow