Garrett Lau: Rainbow on I-680
Garrett Lau: Snow on I-5
Garrett Lau: Snow Goose decoys
Garrett Lau: Blind #2 and tree
Garrett Lau: Tree at blind #2
Garrett Lau: Blind #2 door
Garrett Lau: Blind #2 fake camera lens
Garrett Lau: Blind #2 interior
Garrett Lau: Blind #2 shutter open
Garrett Lau: Blind #2 parking
Garrett Lau: Blind #5
Garrett Lau: Blind #5 and tree
Garrett Lau: Blind #5 interior
Garrett Lau: Tree seen from blind #5
Garrett Lau: Blind #5 view at dawn
Garrett Lau: Fresh snow on tree
Garrett Lau: Sunrise view from blind #5
Garrett Lau: Northern Pintails
Garrett Lau: 32.9 degrees
Garrett Lau: European Starling
Garrett Lau: One hour after sunrise
Garrett Lau: Bright sunshine on tree
Garrett Lau: Bald Eagle and ducks
Garrett Lau: Bald Eagle banking
Garrett Lau: View to the left
Garrett Lau: Blue sky behind tree
Garrett Lau: Two hours after sunrise
Garrett Lau: Ducks over lake
Garrett Lau: Loggerhead Shrike
Garrett Lau: My gear inside blind #5