Garrett Lau: Kentucky Derby Pie
Garrett Lau: Killdeer in the infield
Garrett Lau: Hernando wrenching
Garrett Lau: Lisa Hern
Garrett Lau: National Champions
Garrett Lau: National Champions on PROMAN
Garrett Lau: Larry Nolan
Garrett Lau: Frankie Andreu
Garrett Lau: Beth Newell
Garrett Lau: Announcer and judges
Garrett Lau: Katie Norton
Garrett Lau: Lisa Hern
Garrett Lau: PROMAN juniors with Frankie Andreu
Garrett Lau: Claire's head
Garrett Lau: PROMAN juniors
Garrett Lau: PROMAN juniors with Niki and Shelley
Garrett Lau: Peter Bohl starts his motorcycle
Garrett Lau: Shelley Olds is interviewed by Larry Nolan
Garrett Lau: Shelley thanks the crowd
Garrett Lau: Jesse Mendonca off the front
Garrett Lau: Rob Evans leads the pack
Garrett Lau: Jesse and his shadow
Garrett Lau: Holloway looks under his arm
Garrett Lau: Scott Zwizansky and Nick Harter
Garrett Lau: Zwizansky leads the pack
Garrett Lau: IMG_5785
Garrett Lau: Hernandez leads the pack
Garrett Lau: Nick Harter
Garrett Lau: Michael Hernandez
Garrett Lau: Rob Evans and Shelley Olds