garrettc: Shutterbug (289/365)
garrettc: Badges!
garrettc: Mandrill
garrettc: Mints, mints everywhere
garrettc: Spell check
garrettc: All Your Base briefing
garrettc: Follow me!
garrettc: Serious Business
garrettc: Sponsors
garrettc: Gerard, Dave, and lots and lots of mugs
garrettc: Registration
garrettc: Before the start
garrettc: Registration
garrettc: Acunu
garrettc: Basho
garrettc: Because… physicists!
garrettc: Registration
garrettc: Torchboxers
garrettc: O'Reilly
garrettc: Collective noun
garrettc: Ed
garrettc: Basho
garrettc: Talking to the press
garrettc: Panhandling
garrettc: Smooth
garrettc: The venue is ready
garrettc: The audience
garrettc: John
garrettc: Thanking the sponsors
garrettc: Audience