garrettc: Hello? Anyone?
garrettc: Jim Higson
garrettc: Andrew "Django" Godwin
garrettc: Matthew Thorne
garrettc: Peter Wong
garrettc: Jo Potts
garrettc: Alistair Miles
garrettc: Geoff Stone taking part in "The Pitch"
garrettc: Audience
garrettc: Mike Kus
garrettc: Entertained
garrettc: Natalie Downe
garrettc: Preparation
garrettc: A very crowded Oxford Geek Night
garrettc: "And then I crushed his head with my bare hands..."
garrettc: Let battle be joined!
garrettc: Oxford Geek Night #7
garrettc: The clock is ticking
garrettc: Drew McLellan
garrettc: Andrew Godin
garrettc: Smiley happy people
garrettc: Preparation
garrettc: Power
garrettc: The take down
garrettc: Prize draw
garrettc: Ben Ward
garrettc: Rozario Chivers
garrettc: Dead hippo
garrettc: This is a naked lady…
garrettc: 3 wise men?