GarnetJ: The original schedule - that didn't mean much once the storm hit
GarnetJ: Hangin' with the Angry Penguin guys
GarnetJ: Taking shelter in the Angry Penguin tent
GarnetJ: Jon and one of the Pendleton guys
GarnetJ: I'm jealous of her tan
GarnetJ: Weathering the storm
GarnetJ: Making the best of it
GarnetJ: CIMG4752
GarnetJ: CIMG4755
GarnetJ: CIMG4756
GarnetJ: CIMG4758
GarnetJ: That kid was hilarious!
GarnetJ: RJA's tent before it got destroyed
GarnetJ: [STREAKER]s making the best of the situation
GarnetJ: Being in the [STREAKER] tent is more fun than the peta tent
GarnetJ: Party in the [STREAKER] tent
GarnetJ: Party in the [STREAKER] tent
GarnetJ: Crazy people out in the middle of the storm
GarnetJ: Crazy people out in the middle of the storm
GarnetJ: That's hail!!!!
GarnetJ: Nice smile!
GarnetJ: Party in the [STREAKER] tent
GarnetJ: Party in the [STREAKER] tent
GarnetJ: Yep, lots of very wet people
GarnetJ: Party in the [STREAKER] tent
GarnetJ: Rob and I
GarnetJ: Trying to cover the air vent that was letting in rain
GarnetJ: Jack checking the scene outside
GarnetJ: The [STREAKER] boys
GarnetJ: Cool kid doing some Angry Penguin promo