GarnetJ: [STREAKER] merch booth
GarnetJ: [STREAKER] merch booth
GarnetJ: [STREAKER] merch booth
GarnetJ: She lost her shoes - Jason was giving her duct-tape sandals
GarnetJ: Jason photographing his handiwork
GarnetJ: Jason, duct-tape shoe girl and friend
GarnetJ: Jason and Rob
GarnetJ: Fun with the [STREAKER] stamp
GarnetJ: [STREAKER] merch booth
GarnetJ: [STREAKER] merch booth
GarnetJ: Will working the K-Os table
GarnetJ: Jeff and Jack
GarnetJ: Listening to The Sunstreak
GarnetJ: Rob chatting with the ladies
GarnetJ: [STREAKER]s