GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Seth fell
GarnetJ: At least he wasn't hurt ... unlike Christian
GarnetJ: Seth decided to stay down there
GarnetJ: Seth decided to stay down there
GarnetJ: Seth decided to stay down there
GarnetJ: Right after Christian broke his foot
GarnetJ: Christian managed to break his foot
GarnetJ: He decided it was best to sit this one out
GarnetJ: Getting comfy
GarnetJ: Seth's model pose
GarnetJ: Tried to continue - even with a broken foot
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Poor guy was in a lot of pain
GarnetJ: Who needs to dance?
GarnetJ: Christian was a good sport
GarnetJ: Love Arcade
GarnetJ: Love Arcade