GarnetJ: Welsh is a fun/crazy language!
GarnetJ: Rachael got ticket #1!
GarnetJ: Bilingual street signs
GarnetJ: Cardiff Castle in the distance
GarnetJ: Cardiff Rail Station
GarnetJ: Nope - not a ship, that's Millenium Stadium
GarnetJ: Travelodge was home ... this was the view from the rail station, but somehow we managed to make it a really long walk (ie we got lost)
GarnetJ: Rachael - hanging out while we waited for the Fellowship of the 9 to arrive
GarnetJ: Cardiff Rail Station
GarnetJ: CIMG8836
GarnetJ: CIMG8837
GarnetJ: The group heading to the hotel
GarnetJ: Welsh flag
GarnetJ: Cool clock tower - Cardiff, Wales
GarnetJ: The bridge had these odd somewhat lifelike sculptures of animals
GarnetJ: Part of the Cardiff Castle wall
GarnetJ: Yep, more street signs ;)
GarnetJ: For some reason, this amused me
GarnetJ: CIMG8847
GarnetJ: Friendly local fellow who helped us when our group was a bit lost
GarnetJ: Church tower downtown
GarnetJ: Finally found their hotel ... well, kinda
GarnetJ: CIMG8853
GarnetJ: Rachael and I
GarnetJ: My new friend Olly and Rachael
GarnetJ: Olly, Adee, Rachael and I
GarnetJ: No fair - her garnet is bigger than mine!
GarnetJ: Elpida and I --- it was SO good to see her!
GarnetJ: The line outside the venue
GarnetJ: Crazy kids behind us in line