GarnetJ: Brittany should know she can't hide
GarnetJ: yep, we're having fun
GarnetJ: awww ... Janet and Keely
GarnetJ: Now that's a look
GarnetJ: Echelon before fun with face paint (and hair coloring)
GarnetJ: Kris hairspraying my hair black
GarnetJ: Kris hairspraying my hair black
GarnetJ: Kris hairspraying my hair black
GarnetJ: my realization that doing this upside down was probably not a good idea
GarnetJ: Kris hairspraying my hair black
GarnetJ: No cameras allowed :( But they were going to tape it!! Cool
GarnetJ: fun with face paint
GarnetJ: yep, Jessica's thrilled
GarnetJ: Kris at work
GarnetJ: Jody
GarnetJ: Brittany ... telling secrets?
GarnetJ: work in progress
GarnetJ: very cute
GarnetJ: Brittany
GarnetJ: kinda scary
GarnetJ: Kris painting Shannon's tattoo
GarnetJ: Shannon's tattoo
GarnetJ: Paiting Keely's face
GarnetJ: Paiting Keely's face
GarnetJ: Paiting Keely's face
GarnetJ: Paiting Keely's face
GarnetJ: gotta concentrate
GarnetJ: Paiting Keely's face
GarnetJ: Paiting Keely's face
GarnetJ: Brittany looks mad at me :(