GarnetJ: Echelon arts and crafts
GarnetJ: Kirk, Margaret and Kim
GarnetJ: Sold Out!! Yay!!
GarnetJ: Echelon in line
GarnetJ: More Echelon in line
GarnetJ: Love the smile Annie!!
GarnetJ: Kirk and I
GarnetJ: The Red Stripe Crew [RSC] - Cinci style
GarnetJ: Kill Hannah
GarnetJ: Kill Hannah
GarnetJ: Kill Hannah - Jon
GarnetJ: Kill Hannah - Dan
GarnetJ: Kill Hannah - Mat
GarnetJ: Jon and I
GarnetJ: Jon and Margaret
GarnetJ: Jon and Margaret
GarnetJ: Chris and I
GarnetJ: The gang after the concert
GarnetJ: The gang after the concert
GarnetJ: Ruthie and I
GarnetJ: 8-15-2006-74
GarnetJ: Chris and I
GarnetJ: Mat (Kill Hannah) and I
GarnetJ: Jody, Chris and Brittany
GarnetJ: Trying to do Jared's mad face ... didn't quite work
GarnetJ: Brittany and I
GarnetJ: Stickertits - Cinci style
GarnetJ: Stickertits - Cinci style
GarnetJ: The stickertits boys
GarnetJ: Kris, Margaret and Kirk