calamur: baganga - lake with the adjoining structures
calamur: banganga - remains of the ancient temple site
calamur: boys at the window
calamur: baganga
calamur: banganga - the holy dip
calamur: banganga - remains of the ancient temple site
calamur: the beak
calamur: bhagwan parushuram mandir
calamur: basket by banganga
calamur: burnout
calamur: colours
calamur: faith
calamur: flirting
calamur: family portrait
calamur: carvings
calamur: framed
calamur: dwarpalika 2
calamur: coconuts for god
calamur: colours of nerolac
calamur: waiting
calamur: red
calamur: the cyclist
calamur: The Sacred Dip
calamur: home
calamur: the tower_
calamur: the gatekeeper
calamur: the holy pond
calamur: the holy pond2
calamur: in a blue mood
calamur: colours