garethwood: Frog Lake, Carson Pass, near Kirkwood, CA
garethwood: Frog Lake, Carson Pass, near Kirkwood, CA
garethwood: Frog Lake, Carson Pass, near Kirkwood, CA
garethwood: Frog Lake, Carson Pass, near Kirkwood, CA
garethwood: View of Red Lake from back of Frog Lake
garethwood: Frog Lake, Carson Pass, near Kirkwood, CA
garethwood: Jacque and Gareth in front of Frog Lake
garethwood: Snow Bank next to Frog Lake
garethwood: View of Caples Lake from Trail to Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: Snow on the Trail to Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: Duck on the Trail to Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: Snow on the Trail to Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: Jacque and Gareth hike through the snow
garethwood: Snow on the Trail to Winnemucca Lake, Caples Lake in distance
garethwood: Snow on the Trail to Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: Please Stay on Trail
garethwood: Campground 2
garethwood: The Snow and Ice around Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: The Snow and Ice around Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: The Snow and Ice around Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: The Snow and Ice around Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: Jacque and Gareth in front of Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: Shadow Selfie
garethwood: Jacque and Gareth in front of Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: Jacque in front of Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: The Snow and Ice around Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: The Snow and Ice around Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: Stream to Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: Dead Tree on Trail to Winnemucca Lake
garethwood: Please Stay on Trail