garethwong: Prof Nonaka Kenichi from RAW _DSC9725
garethwong: Susana Soares, Andrew Forkes, Insect au Gratin, 3D printing insect biscuits from RAW _DSC0243
garethwong: greedy 2nd serving of whopper Grasshoppers Wasps rice on Nori from RAW_DSC0320 thks Charlotte IFF #Insects_oxford Prof Nonaka Kenichi-san
garethwong: Peter Scarborough, on Are edible insects healthier than commonly consumed meats? from RAW _DSC9532
garethwong: Charlotte Payne (well done!) & organising Comittee, Josh Evans, Rebecca Roberts, Andrew Muller on "entomophagy and power" from RAW _DSC0687
garethwong: Richard Quilliam, University of Stirling, on Insect larvae & waste management: adding value to sustainable insect production from RAW _DSC0006