garethkay: Flags on the way out
garethkay: Flags again
garethkay: Ball pods
garethkay: Slow motion reactions
garethkay: Screens in pod
garethkay: Pacaembu Municipal Stadium
garethkay: Seating
garethkay: Stadium and city
garethkay: Formation table football
garethkay: Table football
garethkay: Shoes of ages
garethkay: 4-4-2
garethkay: 4-5-1
garethkay: Shoot
garethkay: Ball?
garethkay: 1958
garethkay: Instruction room
garethkay: Instruction Room 2
garethkay: The Brit who took football to Brazil
garethkay: They wore hairnets a long time ago
garethkay: Lobby memorabilia
garethkay: Improvisation
garethkay: 1970
garethkay: Flag projection
garethkay: Crowd
garethkay: The beginning
garethkay: Ticker tape
garethkay: Distant tape