Garden Gremlin: Lily in her rocker
Garden Gremlin: Papa and Lily
Garden Gremlin: Caleb and Audra
Garden Gremlin: Chillin'
Garden Gremlin: Thinking
Garden Gremlin: Morning of Caleb's graduation
Garden Gremlin: Caleb gets his degree
Garden Gremlin: Singing class hymn
Garden Gremlin: Greeting professors
Garden Gremlin: Greeting professors
Garden Gremlin: Greeting professors
Garden Gremlin: Greeting professors
Garden Gremlin: Greeting professors
Garden Gremlin: Greeting professors
Garden Gremlin: Greeting professors
Garden Gremlin: Greeting wife and daughter
Garden Gremlin: Candid moment
Garden Gremlin: Goofy friends
Garden Gremlin: Bassetts
Garden Gremlin: Adding Sarah
Garden Gremlin: Another family picture
Garden Gremlin: Another family picture
Garden Gremlin: Lily in car seat