garden beth: seagulls on top of the world
garden beth: cloud gate 1
garden beth: you never know where the sun will shine
garden beth: the touch that makes you whole
garden beth: silver bean
garden beth: kaleidoscope
garden beth: bending city
garden beth: self portrait, excited
garden beth: swirls of life
garden beth: reality curves
garden beth: chicago and its alternate reality
garden beth: i love this sculpture!
garden beth: up and away we go
garden beth: cloud gate 2
garden beth: lily and blue sky
garden beth: big flower, little tower
garden beth: city sculpture
garden beth: bethie in the garden in chicago
garden beth: lily against the night sky
garden beth: hilton chicago
garden beth: buckingham fountain
garden beth: buckingham fountain, light show
garden beth: a light in the window
garden beth: two beetles kissing
garden beth: hilton chicago grand ballroom 1
garden beth: hilton chicago grand ballroom 2
garden beth: hilton chicago grand ballroom 3
garden beth: hilton chicago grand ballroom 4
garden beth: hilton chicago grand ballroom 5
garden beth: chicago at night, along the river