garageowns: bed time
garageowns: in that corner again
garageowns: superfluous picture
garageowns: the cans are out
garageowns: gram parsons - darn near finished (my current fave)
garageowns: andy loose workout
garageowns: started an andy while waiting for gram to dry
garageowns: gram - progressing
garageowns: an ounce or two of gram - work in progress
garageowns: green
garageowns: twig the wonder kid
garageowns: go buddy, go buddy, go buddy, go buddy, go go go
garageowns: still buddy'ing - gotta do the face and hands
garageowns: I sold the Ian Curtis so started another
garageowns: edie - going on
garageowns: Edie - a bit more in progress!
garageowns: pink and smaller version
garageowns: mmmm, what next?
garageowns: eric & ernie in progress - minimal stylee
garageowns: walk this way - work in progress
garageowns: that's a shaft of sunlight - I'm inside painting
garageowns: that's a wide lens innit?
garageowns: cleaner's bucket
garageowns: builder's bucket
garageowns: paint in jam pots
garageowns: accumulated shiz
garageowns: ian curtis
garageowns: marilyn - she could certainly turn it on
garageowns: francoise hardy - in progress