GAPHIKER: Winter Rose Hips
GAPHIKER: Winters First Snow - 30 November 2021
GAPHIKER: Autumn Fury
GAPHIKER: Backyard Color w/Brianne, Holly and the New Fence.
GAPHIKER: Nature's Super Highways and Subdivisions - White Oak
GAPHIKER: Milkweed Seedpod Winding Down
GAPHIKER: Nature's Super Highways and Subdivisions - Maple Leaf
GAPHIKER: Sphecius Speciosus - Cicada Killer Wasp
GAPHIKER: Virginia Creeper Berries and Bokeh
GAPHIKER: Bombs Away - Seeds
GAPHIKER: Virginia Creeper
GAPHIKER: Three Hickory Leaflets
GAPHIKER: Aphid Colonization of the Milkweed Pod
GAPHIKER: Milkweed
GAPHIKER: Walnut at Day 0 and Day 3
GAPHIKER: Red - Holly Berries
GAPHIKER: Holly Berries
GAPHIKER: Spider Web
GAPHIKER: The New Ninja Tribe - Midland Painted Turtle Set
GAPHIKER: Annual Cicada
GAPHIKER: Hickory Leaf
GAPHIKER: Wasp Nest Abstract - What Do You See?
GAPHIKER: Hornet Paper Art
GAPHIKER: Early Morning Grasses
GAPHIKER: Hey it's been raining all day, what do you expect! Bird Bath
GAPHIKER: Male Goldfinch After the Rain Stopped
GAPHIKER: Chipping Sparrow
GAPHIKER: Mama Goldfinch
GAPHIKER: Clover for Breakfast
GAPHIKER: A Goldfinch for Aurelia...