gapey: Perfect Reflection - Mowich Lake
gapey: smiley guy points out the trail sign
gapey: a ptarmigan in a pine tree?
gapey: smiley guy takes a nasty fall
gapey: Mt Rainier FUTAB
gapey: Mt Rainier and Lake Eunice
gapey: crushing Mt Rainier
gapey: Mt Rainier between trees
gapey: Mt Rainier and Lake Eunice
gapey: Mt Rainier from Tolmie Trail
gapey: side trail near Lake Eunice
gapey: smiley guy getting his feet wet in Eunice Lake
gapey: Pacific Giant Salamander
gapey: Tolmie Ridge from Lake Eunice
gapey: Tolmie Lookout
gapey: Mowich Lake
gapey: Mt Rainier from Tolmie Lookout