gapey: backyard flickrites
gapey: Sparkler fun
gapey: Terence and Jen chimping
gapey: fun with light
gapey: Dance party in the living room
gapey: Rob enjoying his hair holding job
gapey: Hey Jen you got a little something on your face
gapey: Don't worry Danny will help you get it off
gapey: Tiramisu makes Danny happy
gapey: How many people can we fit in my kitchen?
gapey: Terence torching the bananas
gapey: Danny at the BBQ
gapey: Rob rocking out on my hammock
gapey: Kevin at the BBQ
gapey: Bryan at the BBQ
gapey: The Food Table
gapey: hiding
gapey: coming to get you
gapey: strength