gapey: Kelly about to dig in
gapey: Gorgonzola Pesto Fettucini
gapey: Pomegranate Mojito
gapey: another weird wild flower
gapey: buzzy bee
gapey: Fly on a Daisey
gapey: some sort of beetle
gapey: Mossy Trees
gapey: Thistle - wildflower
gapey: Paintbrush - wildflowers
gapey: wild columbine
gapey: Dude closeup
gapey: rear view
gapey: Dude enjoying the hike
gapey: Allen and Dude again
gapey: view of Mt Rainier
gapey: Dude and Allen from below
gapey: Allen and Dude
gapey: Dude loves to hike
gapey: Noble Knob Trail sign
gapey: Dude and Allen
gapey: me and Allen pose while Dude checks out the view
gapey: Susan squats for a photo
gapey: Susan and Kelly
gapey: Susan surrounded by flowers
gapey: Susan getting the perfect wild flower shot
gapey: Kelly takes in the view
gapey: Flickrites of Noble Knob