G.A.P.1959: A mature demontrator
G.A.P.1959: A trio attending the March for Life
G.A.P.1959: A young demonstrator
G.A.P.1959: CIty Hall March 24th
G.A.P.1959: Enough!
G.A.P.1959: March for Life Springfield Massachusetts
G.A.P.1959: Onlookers at the March for Life
G.A.P.1959: Remembering the 17 Parkland students
G.A.P.1959: Springfield March for Life
G.A.P.1959: Springfild Mass March for Life
G.A.P.1959: Students demanding action from politicians
G.A.P.1959: The moral problem
G.A.P.1959: Victims of homophobia
G.A.P.1959: LGBT Voices