gaobo: Shenwumen Gate, the frontispiece of Palace Museum
gaobo: Palace Museum gate with moat lightened
gaobo: Palace Museum corner
gaobo: Back street of Jingshan Hill
gaobo: Peaceful offices and homes for senior officers
gaobo: The Dasanyuan Restaurant
gaobo: Quiet street with beautiful shadows
gaobo: Housedoor with a typical style of wealthy families in Beijing
gaobo: A typical bystreet closed to the Beihai Park
gaobo: Inner gate of the Fangshan Restaurant
gaobo: Outer gate of the Fangshan Restaurant, one of the China National Intangible Cultural Heritages
gaobo: Gallery inside the Fangshan Restaurant, facing Beihai inland river
gaobo: Gallery inside the Fangshan Restaurant, decorated with lanterns and vermilion pillars
gaobo: South wing of Microsoft building in Beijing
gaobo: The Microsoft bulletin
gaobo: The terribly long queue entering Beijing subway
gaobo: The queue for buying subway ticket
gaobo: Subway ticket window for Beijing Railyway Station stop
gaobo: Compartment on Express Railway
gaobo: Sleeper car of Express Railway
gaobo: Platform display board
gaobo: Neon lights for Shanghai Bus Station
gaobo: Display board in Shanghai Railway Station