gaobo: Mom and youngest aunt
gaobo: Aunt's family and my parents
gaobo: Uncle and father
gaobo: Mom and her niece
gaobo: Mom, aunt and her daughter
gaobo: Mom and her younger sister
gaobo: Aunt and her daughter
gaobo: Tunnel through Dongshan hill
gaobo: Sa-soup, a kind of delicious local food
gaobo: Hero of Huainan City
gaobo: The student dorm of Anhui University of Science and Technology
gaobo: Railway station of Huainan City
gaobo: North gate of Anhui University of Science and Technology
gaobo: East gate of Anhui University of Science and Technology
gaobo: Morning taxi
gaobo: Colorful kids in the colorless alley
gaobo: Mahjong gamers among the common citizens
gaobo: Sewing machine in the traditional tailor's
gaobo: Fashion in the rural yard
gaobo: Shopping mall used to have fun with
gaobo: Blog life square
gaobo: East city commodity market
gaobo: Pipkin array of a small brewery
gaobo: Cooling tower of Huainan Power Plant
gaobo: Grass-eating farm cattle
gaobo: Sand heap and playing kids along the Huaihe river side