gaobo: Dora Amon-shaped cake
gaobo: Antelope-shaped cake
gaobo: Shrimp dumplings
gaobo: Almond tea
gaobo: Watermelon porridge
gaobo: Lotus leaf-wrapping chicken rice (wrapped)
gaobo: Lotus leaf-wrapping chicken rice (uncovered)
gaobo: Barbecued pork
gaobo: Supper of the lattern festival
gaobo: Hanging dried meat
gaobo: All kinds of hotpots
gaobo: Fried dumplings with salt paws
gaobo: Grouped dough figurines
gaobo: Dough figurine of Tencent QQ official icon
gaobo: Vanilla cheese with cherry hat
gaobo: Cold flammulina conserves
gaobo: Fried tomatoes with yolky stuffings
gaobo: Spicy sauteed chicken feet
gaobo: Curried crab with cauliflower
gaobo: Roast chicken meat with sesame plate
gaobo: Long noodles, and long life
gaobo: Beer and cheers
gaobo: Rice cooked is irreversible
gaobo: Bean curd cut
gaobo: Steamed salt pork
gaobo: Chopped boiled chicken under Zhending brand
gaobo: Dried lemon
gaobo: Medlar pile
gaobo: Longane pile
gaobo: Dried mushrooms