aganter: Waiting the arrival
aganter: August 1 hr old
aganter: August 5 hrs old
aganter: G and August 2nd day
aganter: August and the hand
aganter: August and G having a deep conversation
aganter: Grandmum Lissa
aganter: Coming home day
aganter: The Bon and August
aganter: The Bon and August
aganter: August in the grass
aganter: Ann and Grandmum Lissa
aganter: Mom, Ann and August 1 week old
aganter: Soap box race lunch
aganter: August 1 week old
aganter: Lucy and Sam future baby sitters
aganter: Lion pose wakes 6 weeks.jpg
aganter: August 5 weeks.jpg
aganter: August 6 weeks.jpg
aganter: August helps with Excavating 2008
aganter: August says What.jpg
aganter: Lion pose 5 weeks.jpg
aganter: August hands
aganter: oohh, got the boobs.jpg
aganter: Cousin Patty's blanket
aganter: IMG_1289
aganter: Little chili pepper and Pop
aganter: Tired bear
aganter: three months and laughing
aganter: Big cheeks bear