Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Just hanging around
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): On to find more pollen
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Day 244/365 in 2023
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): A morning glory bud
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Day 245/365 in 2023
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Double Bloom Sneezewort up close
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Day 247/365 in 2023
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Day 249/365 in 2023
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Same view different day at sunrise
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Day 250/365 in 2023
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Our wild rose bush has started to bloom again
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Day 251/365 in 2023
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): A puffy Blue Jay
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Day 252/365 in 2023
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Day 253/365 in 2023
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Day 254/365 in 2023
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Another foggy day
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Playing with my bling
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Day 256/365 in 2023
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Bread and Butter Pickles!
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): The bee on the chives