ganeshshenoy03: 1029 Miniature paintings on a single A4 size paper card
ganeshshenoy03: Kinetic Pointillism
ganeshshenoy03: 165 Miniature Paintings on a Single A4 size paper card
ganeshshenoy03: 70 Miniature paintings of Lord Ganesha on a single A4 size paper card
ganeshshenoy03: Kinetic Pointillism
ganeshshenoy03: "Untitled"
ganeshshenoy03: 'Untitled'
ganeshshenoy03: 'Untitled'
ganeshshenoy03: "Miniature Paintings"
ganeshshenoy03: 20 Miniature paintings
ganeshshenoy03: Landscapes
ganeshshenoy03: 'Anointing of Jesus by Mary'
ganeshshenoy03: 'Lord Ganesha"
ganeshshenoy03: 1,156 miniature paintings on a small paper card measuring 17 cm X 17 cm with each miniature painting measuring 0.5 cm X 0.5 cm.
ganeshshenoy03: 'Beauty of Hell'
ganeshshenoy03: Pointillism
ganeshshenoy03: Jesus-Kinetic Pointillism
ganeshshenoy03: Black and White- Pointillism
ganeshshenoy03: "Devas" - Pointillism
ganeshshenoy03: "Nature is Eve"
ganeshshenoy03: "The Lord"
ganeshshenoy03: "Mary Magdalene" One Image of Mary Magdalene with innumerable tiny images of Jesus Christ. Mixed media on a small paper card.
ganeshshenoy03: "Jesus" - Kinetic Pointillism
ganeshshenoy03: "Master"
ganeshshenoy03: Prophet Moses - Pointillism
ganeshshenoy03: Mother nature - Optical Illusion
ganeshshenoy03: "The Prophet" (Pointillism)
ganeshshenoy03: Kinetic Pointillism
ganeshshenoy03: The Passion