ganeshshenoy03: Lord Jesus on the cross
ganeshshenoy03: Birth of Jesus
ganeshshenoy03: Mother Mary & Infant Jesus
ganeshshenoy03: Passion of Christ
ganeshshenoy03: Lord Jesus
ganeshshenoy03: Lord Jesus
ganeshshenoy03: Followers removing Jesus from the cross
ganeshshenoy03: Last Supper
ganeshshenoy03: Lamentation of Mother Mary
ganeshshenoy03: Jesus Christ
ganeshshenoy03: Light of the World - 50 paintings of Lord Jesus by various artists
ganeshshenoy03: Journey to Calvary
ganeshshenoy03: Mother and Infant
ganeshshenoy03: Crucifixion
ganeshshenoy03: The Lord-Surrealistic painting
ganeshshenoy03: Jesus-Surrealism
ganeshshenoy03: Healing the paralytic let down through the roof in caperum by Jesus
ganeshshenoy03: The Kiss of Judas
ganeshshenoy03: Infant Jesus with Mother Mary and Angels - We were actually blacks
ganeshshenoy03: Jesus as a boy helping his father, Joseph, with carpentry work
ganeshshenoy03: Anointing of Jesus by Mary of Bethany
ganeshshenoy03: Jesus on the cross
ganeshshenoy03: "Jesus heals Leper" - Mosaic style painting
ganeshshenoy03: Birth of Jesus - Mosaic style artwork
ganeshshenoy03: Jesus of Saint Francis of Assisi
ganeshshenoy03: Optical Illusion - Can you spot Jesus?
ganeshshenoy03: Crucifixion of Lord
ganeshshenoy03: Jesus Washes His Disciples’ Feet
ganeshshenoy03: Jesus heals the blind man
ganeshshenoy03: The Passion of Christ