gandy_: Small plane
gandy_: Jungle thatch
gandy_: Caiman family trip to the river
gandy_: DSCF0095
gandy_: Anaconda
gandy_: Swimming at sunset
gandy_: Big. Tree.
gandy_: Madidi National Park, the most biodivesre region on earth
gandy_: Sailing into the Amazon
gandy_: Colourful bug
gandy_: Carry on up the river
gandy_: Ganderto, almost
gandy_: La Paz via air
gandy_: La Paz, via taxi
gandy_: Importnant buildings, La Paz
gandy_: The beard goes
gandy_: La Paz
gandy_: ´´You love it Munson´´ ram
gandy_: Coroico Valley
gandy_: One of many crosses
gandy_: Death road because a mistake equals death!
gandy_: Death road, our minibus
gandy_: More Death Road
gandy_: Sober reminder
gandy_: Fog obscuring the 600m sheer drop
gandy_: Peering into the abyss
gandy_: Skid time!
gandy_: No walking!
gandy_: Tarmac stretch prior to death road
gandy_: IMGP6717