gandhalfthewhite: Flying away
gandhalfthewhite: Taking breath
gandhalfthewhite: Syrian Orthodox Cathedral
gandhalfthewhite: Syrian Orthodox Cathedral
gandhalfthewhite: Syrian Orthodox Cathedral
gandhalfthewhite: Waiting for baby Jesus to come...
gandhalfthewhite: Lights of hope
gandhalfthewhite: Detail in the Endurance memorial at Pinacoteca station
gandhalfthewhite: Santa Cruz church at night
gandhalfthewhite: Santa Cruz church at night
gandhalfthewhite: Cell in Endurance memorial at State art gallery (Pinacoteca station)
gandhalfthewhite: Fashion mob 2010
gandhalfthewhite: Fashion mob 2010
gandhalfthewhite: Fashion mob 2010
gandhalfthewhite: Fashion mob 2010
gandhalfthewhite: Photographic ride 'Fotocultura'
gandhalfthewhite: Photographic ride 'Fotocultura'
gandhalfthewhite: The hope passage
gandhalfthewhite: St. Francis Church
gandhalfthewhite: St. Francis image
gandhalfthewhite: Dance performance at Olido Cultural Space
gandhalfthewhite: Dance performance at Olido Cultural Space
gandhalfthewhite: Night view of a garden
gandhalfthewhite: Fountain near State art gallery
gandhalfthewhite: Reminiscence
gandhalfthewhite: Present and future