gandhalfthewhite: Luz rail station
gandhalfthewhite: Entrance to the Luz rail station
gandhalfthewhite: Column in Luz attrium
gandhalfthewhite: Details in Luz rail station
gandhalfthewhite: Luz rail station attrium
gandhalfthewhite: Piano player in the attrium
gandhalfthewhite: Details in Luz rail station
gandhalfthewhite: Luz rail station platform
gandhalfthewhite: Luz rail station platform
gandhalfthewhite: What lies beneath...
gandhalfthewhite: Boarding (in and out) at Luz railstation
gandhalfthewhite: Luz rail station platform
gandhalfthewhite: Piano player in the attrium
gandhalfthewhite: Details in Luz rail station
gandhalfthewhite: Details in Luz rail station
gandhalfthewhite: Exit at Luz rail station
gandhalfthewhite: Present and future
gandhalfthewhite: Reminiscence
gandhalfthewhite: Fountain near State art gallery