Georgia National Guard:
"Voodoo" team transfers camp to ANA
Georgia National Guard:
Ga Guard Runners in Kabul
Georgia National Guard:
Running Past Remnants
Georgia National Guard:
Phoenix Rising
Georgia National Guard:
A Gathering of Warriors
Georgia National Guard:
NGB Chief Reenlists Ga. Guardsmen
Georgia National Guard:
Afghan Police QRF on watch
Georgia National Guard:
Security on call
Georgia National Guard:
Afghan Police secure objective
Georgia National Guard:
Afghan Police security checkpoint
Georgia National Guard:
PRC leader addresses patrolmen
Georgia National Guard:
48th IBCT hosts Women's bazaar in Kabul
Georgia National Guard:
Conversation and Commerce
Georgia National Guard:
Col. Steinbrecher Assumes Command
Georgia National Guard:
Moving to Cover
Georgia National Guard:
Command Team Engages
Georgia National Guard:
Advanced Marksmanship
Georgia National Guard:
Volunteers Engage at Close Range
Georgia National Guard:
Controlled Pairs