Georgia National Guard:
In the Field
Georgia National Guard:
Direct Hit
Georgia National Guard:
Snowy Trek
Georgia National Guard:
Georgia Guardsmen train in Savannah for deployment
Georgia National Guard:
Detachment 1, Bravo Company, 1-169th General Support Aviation Battalion train in Savannah
Georgia National Guard:
Cutting the cake
Georgia National Guard:
878th Task Force Dynamite
Georgia National Guard:
48th Brigade deployment ceremony
Georgia National Guard:
48th Brigade deploys to Afghanistan
Georgia National Guard:
All Aboard
Georgia National Guard:
Home for the Holidays
Georgia National Guard:
848th Engineers return from Afghanistan
Georgia National Guard:
The Top is Taken
Georgia National Guard:
Night Mission in Afghanistan
Georgia National Guard:
Standing Tall
Georgia National Guard:
Georgia National Guard:
GAARNG Soldiers carry U.S. flag
Georgia National Guard:
Mother and son are reunited after a long deployment
Georgia National Guard:
1230th Transportation Company conducts Tactics, Techniques and Procedures, and honed movement drills
Georgia National Guard:
Soldiers work together during an assault and mass casualty exercise
Georgia National Guard:
48th Infantry Brigade XCTC
Georgia National Guard:
To the Colors
Georgia National Guard:
American Legion Veterans
Georgia National Guard:
Georgia National Guard combat veterans eat lunch with Falcons players at CNGC
Georgia National Guard:
Atlanta Falcons answer tough questions at Pros vs. Joes
Georgia National Guard:
280th Combat Communications Squadron trains at Savannah CRTC
Georgia National Guard:
179th MP Welcome Home
Georgia National Guard:
National Anthem
Georgia National Guard:
Lining the Bases
Georgia National Guard:
Training Future Leaders