Georgia National Guard: Vigilant Guard 2013: Georgia Air National Guard
Georgia National Guard: Vigilant Guard 2013: Georgia Air National Guard
Georgia National Guard: Mortuary Affairs Airmen train during Vigilant Guard
Georgia National Guard: Fatality Search and Recovery Team
Georgia National Guard: Fatality Search and Recovery Team prepares for Operation Vigilant Guard
Georgia National Guard: 20110517-A-2593H-010
Georgia National Guard: Commanding General of the Georgia Army Guard explains significance of HRF
Georgia National Guard: Major General Britt, Commanding General of the Georgia Army Guard, speaks to HRF Soldiers
Georgia National Guard: Florida Guard here for Vigilant Guard
Georgia National Guard: Georgia combat engineers on the ground, on the air
Georgia National Guard: Georgia engineers search and extraction work
Georgia National Guard: Operation Vigilant Guard
Georgia National Guard: Georgia Guard participates in Vigilant Guard
Georgia National Guard: Georgia Guardsmen participate in Vigilant Guard