Georgia National Guard: The Georgia Guard Family
Georgia National Guard: Clay Chapel
Georgia National Guard: To The Color!
Georgia National Guard: Clay Motor Pool
Georgia National Guard: Joint Force Headquarters
Georgia National Guard: CNGC and Winter Storm Leon
Georgia National Guard: Training Future Leaders
Georgia National Guard: Green Energy Savings
Georgia National Guard: Governor Deal wishes the National guard a happy birthday
Georgia National Guard: 116th Army Band performs at National Guard's 376th Birthday
Georgia National Guard: Cutting the cake
Georgia National Guard: Cutting the cake
Georgia National Guard: Birthday cake celebrating the National Guard's 376th
Georgia National Guard: Retirees gather outside of Clay
Georgia National Guard: Georgia Department of Defense senior leaders
Georgia National Guard: Gift cards for Guard families
Georgia National Guard: National Guard retirees revisit the Georgia Guard
Georgia National Guard: Governor meets with Georgia Guardsmen
Georgia National Guard: Clay National Guard Center Aerial View
Georgia National Guard: Clay National Guard Center
Georgia National Guard: Joint Force Headquarters
Georgia National Guard: Clay National Guard Center
Georgia National Guard: Clay National Guard Center
Georgia National Guard: Joint Force Headquarters
Georgia National Guard: For National Guard’s 375th Birthday, Georgia celebrates opening of new headquarters building
Georgia National Guard: Butterworth meets with senior leaders to ensure smooth transition