Georgia National Guard: 48th IBCT XCTC
Georgia National Guard: Shadow Maintenance
Georgia National Guard: Shadow Maintenance
Georgia National Guard: 48th BSTB practices humvee dismount and security check
Georgia National Guard: 48th Brigade Special Troops Battalion practices humvee dismount and security check
Georgia National Guard: Shadow Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) inbound!
Georgia National Guard: Shadow Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) launch
Georgia National Guard: Army Guard commander visits deploying UAS unit
Georgia National Guard: Army Guard commander visits Savannah UAV unit
Georgia National Guard: Georgia Army Guard prepares to deploy with Shadow UAV
Georgia National Guard: Call Sign Nightmare
Georgia National Guard: New 48th BSTB commander outlines his leadership philosophy
Georgia National Guard: City, county residents welcome Soldiers home
Georgia National Guard: 48th BSTB Commander, Lt. Col. Tom Bright, gives thanks to the Bullock County community for their support
Georgia National Guard: American Legion presents 48th BSTB Soldiers with coins and flags
Georgia National Guard: State Senator Jack Hill presents family Chavers family with state proclamation in his honor
Georgia National Guard: North Georgia College and State University student returns from yearlong deployment to Afghanistan
Georgia National Guard: Sgt. Sara Wallace reunites with family
Georgia National Guard: Command Sgt. Maj. James Nelson welcomes home Georgia's 48th BSTB
Georgia National Guard: 48th HHC guidon returns to Georgia