Nick Lee, Sketcher: Royal Typewriter
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Headphones
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Drawing travels at reasonable speeds.
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Original Dumbledore
Nick Lee, Sketcher: EDM 150 - draw a candle
Nick Lee, Sketcher: January 9 - 16, 2008
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Nuclear Brain Tree
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Ink drawings
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Ink drawings II (Teleport Me)
Nick Lee, Sketcher: I wish I knew how to quit you.
Nick Lee, Sketcher: A day at the zoo
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Våffeldagen!
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Breathe, draw
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Friday night couch nursing
Nick Lee, Sketcher: New flippos
Nick Lee, Sketcher: New process
Nick Lee, Sketcher: How dare you put this bow on me...
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Intimations of Summer
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Coffee break
Nick Lee, Sketcher: Moscow Field