gamma><addict: Morning has broken....
gamma><addict: Frozen Paradise
gamma><addict: Underwater crevasse
gamma><addict: Beauty in disguise...
gamma><addict: the sky is blue....
gamma><addict: chemicals added...
gamma><addict: Bruno the Husky
gamma><addict: "Bukta" or Ice Bay
gamma><addict: ...the tip of the ice berg...
gamma><addict: Sun magic!
gamma><addict: Beautiful peril...
gamma><addict: Pristine castle
gamma><addict: A hostile place
gamma><addict: Taking a break
gamma><addict: hot / cold
gamma><addict: Drift ice
gamma><addict: Wind scoop, Marsteinen, Antarctica
gamma><addict: Disturbed snow surface
gamma><addict: Washed out ice crevasse
gamma><addict: 50 degrees below...
gamma><addict: F1030008_tm
gamma><addict: Winter aftermath
gamma><addict: The challenge has begun...
gamma><addict: Hauling supplies...
gamma><addict: The bay
gamma><addict: Taking a break
gamma><addict: ...hampered by another storm...
gamma><addict: Wer'e on our own now...
gamma><addict: The last dog sled
gamma><addict: ....the moon...