galska: Bravo magazine germany 1971
galska: My window chicken
galska: Typing machine
galska: Coffee Table with tea
galska: Anti Skinhead design
galska: Fight the Power
galska: weekend in the park
galska: Alf Vs Small Handicaped German children
galska: Lovely Anna
galska: Chloe with apple
galska: Alf sits at table
galska: Chloe, Anna, and l
galska: The Lovely Al
galska: Cow Lover
galska: Cafe Morning
galska: demons in my head
galska: Forest on a beach next to a lake......IN GERMANY!
galska: Tree bed
galska: something in the tea
galska: breakfast for 300
galska: kids
galska: me and dog
galska: raft
galska: sab
galska: tent
galska: thee, stranded horse
galska: Currywerst
galska: Anna riding the trains
galska: Coffee at Gorky Park