Isabel Fagg: Ring-tailed Lemur
Isabel Fagg: Small red panda
Isabel Fagg: Mandrill
Isabel Fagg: Monkeys of Gibraltar
Isabel Fagg: Monkeys
Isabel Fagg: Donkey portrait
Isabel Fagg: Working donkey in Morocco
Isabel Fagg: Working donkey in Morocco
Isabel Fagg: Dutch Belted (Lakenvelder) cow
Isabel Fagg: Dutch Cow
Isabel Fagg: Cows on the isle of Texel
Isabel Fagg: Bovinae family
Isabel Fagg: Bovinae family
Isabel Fagg: Bovinae family
Isabel Fagg: Prairie Dogs
Isabel Fagg: Suricata suricatta
Isabel Fagg: White horse
Isabel Fagg: Horse near a lake
Isabel Fagg: Giraffe
Isabel Fagg: Potamochoerus porcus
Isabel Fagg: Bubalis bubalis
Isabel Fagg: Hexaprotodon liberiensis
Isabel Fagg: Ovis familie
Isabel Fagg: Walking the rabbit
Isabel Fagg: Brown rabbit
Isabel Fagg: Ein Gedi: Procavia capensis
Isabel Fagg: Sleeping red cat
Isabel Fagg: Bicycle fan
Isabel Fagg: Happy white cat