the Gallopping Geezer '5.0' million + views....: Saloon - South Park City CO 2008
the Gallopping Geezer '5.0' million + views....: Barber Chair - Skinner's Saloon - Bannack, Montana 2008
the Gallopping Geezer '5.0' million + views....: Rocky Mountain View @ Alta, CO 2007
the Gallopping Geezer '5.0' million + views....: Red Mountain Mining Area - Red Mountain, CO 2007
the Gallopping Geezer '5.0' million + views....: Ruins of Pulman Car at Victor, Colorado 2007
the Gallopping Geezer '5.0' million + views....: Ruins near Ellsworth Kansas 2006
the Gallopping Geezer '5.0' million + views....: Condon Bank - Coffeyville, Kansas Bank
the Gallopping Geezer '5.0' million + views....: Condon Bank of Coffeyville, Kansas - Dalton Gang tried to rob two Banks at same time