gallftree008: Leaf in the Forest 14-09-2014 001
gallftree008: Leaf in the Forest 14-09-2014 002
gallftree008: Leaf in the Forest 14-09-2014 003
gallftree008: Dark Lit Verburnium 29-04-2018
gallftree008: Fly DUB DAP 19-05-2020
gallftree008: False Widow Spider DUB DAP 19-05-2020 (Glad it was outside the window)
gallftree008: floating leaf the ward river 15-08-2020
gallftree008: floating leaf knocksedan valley 01-08-2020#
gallftree008: floating leaf knocksedan valley 01-08-2020
gallftree008: Floating Tree Bud Knocksedan Lower Pathway 18-05-2020
gallftree008: red chair 001
gallftree008: Floating Tree Bud Knocksedan Lower Pathway 18-05-2020
gallftree008: Floating down The Ward River 25-04-2020
gallftree008: DSCF1545 Floating
gallftree008: water floater FACE the single arch at the old mill 19-06-2020
gallftree008: water floater the single arch at the old mill 19-06-2020