White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Mark Warren Jacques and Julianne Yates
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Jesse's sister, Shannon
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Dave, Casey Gray, and Lauren
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: the models sit on Santa's lap
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Mark Warren Jacques installation
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Nas Chompas installation on the back wall
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Jesse Hazelilp opening
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Timothy Karpinski and Mark Warren Jacques
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Timothy Karpinski installation
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Nas Chompas with friends
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Mark Warren Jacques and Timothy Karpinski
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Megan Wolfe checks out the Gallery Three show
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Jesse Hazelip with family and friends
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: The Shooting Gallery
White Walls and Shooting Gallery: Morgan Slade's shrine