gapman692002: DSC_2029
gapman692002: DSC_2066_2
gapman692002: soulful
gapman692002: central park
gapman692002: DSC_3065
gapman692002: balance
gapman692002: St.Paul Cathedral
gapman692002: Riomagiore
gapman692002: eiffel
gapman692002: BW label
gapman692002: Sydney Harbour
gapman692002: bamboo
gapman692002: by the stream
gapman692002: rail track
gapman692002: forbidden city
gapman692002: ancient warriors
gapman692002: TALK WINE
gapman692002: Flash3X
gapman692002: The Founding Father
gapman692002: wisdom
gapman692002: Low Key Me
gapman692002: After Dark
gapman692002: City of Love, Paris
gapman692002: Lonesome in Ubin
gapman692002: The Superior man thinks always of virtue, the Common man thinks of comfort.-Confucius
gapman692002: We'll be alright...just you and i.