Gallery 400: Jan Tichy, Changing Chicago (26th Street), 2011, 8mins. Courtesy the artist and Richard Gray Gallery.
Gallery 400: Jan Tichy, Changing Chicago (Notherly), 2011, 8mins. Courtesy the artist and Richard Gray Gallery.
Gallery 400: Amanda Williams, Color(ed) Theory Pink Oil Moisturizer, Latex House Paint, 2014 Courtesy the artist
Gallery 400: Amanda Williams Color(ed) Theory Harold's Chicken Shack, Latex House Paint, 2014 Courtesy the artist
Gallery 400: Cauleen Smith
Gallery 400: 96 Acres with William Estrada, Anthony Rea, and Erica Brooks, Portraits of Resolution, 2014
Gallery 400: 96 Acres, "Not Just Another Day" with Yollocalli Arts Reach, 2014
Gallery 400: Marianne Fairbanks, Dyestuff of Default, 2013, Jars, cotton, wool, silk, found plant material
Gallery 400: Marianne Fairbanks, Patchwork Pall, 2013, Swing set, found moving blankets and tarp, cotton, natural dyes
Gallery 400: Marianne Fairbanks, Patchwork Pall, 2013, Swing set, found moving blankets and tarp, cotton, natural dyes